Tag Archives: garlic

First plantings of the year

I planted the onions, radishes, carrots, cilantro, spinach and chard today.

Put the tomato, pepper and basil plants outside for about 5 hours. Meant to keep them out for only an hour. Whoops. Fortunately they were in the shade the whole time but one tomato plant is looking a bit brown. Thankfully I have way more plants than I can actually use.

Garlic planted last fall and lettuce planted a month ago is coming up nicely. Can start eating fresh salads soon!

Lorz Italian garlic

And just so I remember how early spring came this year….

I can’t believe how green everything is compared to last year at this time. I remember building the raised bed boxes last year and being so cold, sneaking in a few minutes here and there when it was warm. This year we’ve already mowed our lawn twice, the lilacs and crab apple trees are in full bloom and we’ve slept with our windows open a couple nights. It’s 71 as I type this.