cucumbers and tomatoes, oh my!

I originally had twine strung up for the cucumbers to climb.  Then the twin broke so I got netting specifically meant for this purpose.   It works much better.

My neighbor gave me her pickle recipe that she got from her grandma.  I’m not sure how I feel about using an old recipe…apparently you’re supposed to use current, tested ones to make sure you don’t get botulism.  We’ll see.

Lemon cucumber plant with lots of flowers but no cukes

Potatoes and mint are doing really well.  I just transplanted the jalapeno.  Hope it survives.

Purple Cherokee tomato

Amish paste tomatoes

Yellow plum tomatoes.  There have to be at least 50 tomatoes per plant!  Good thing I love tomatoes.

2 responses to “cucumbers and tomatoes, oh my!

  1. I am both seriously impressed and incredibly jealous. I have lots of big green Early Girls, but all of my heirlooms are still blossoming and setting fruit – I have nothing even close to the size of your green tomatoes! I did not amend my soil well – when I tested it, it came up seriously low in nitrogen and the best I could do given the time frame (my compost was still too new and still in the tumbler) was amend with blood meal. The soil is still low in nitrogen and while I obviously don’t want it too high, I have a feeling that’s why my plants are lagging so far behind. Lesson learned, and I’ll be planting a cover crop this fall because jealous jealous JEALOUS.

    • Hope your tomatoes are growing now that we’ve had this hot weather and some rain! I do credit the great growth with the soil I used. It was a 50/50 blend of soil and composted manure. My husband sprayed with compost tea about a month ago and everything seriously took off after that.

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