Squash and pumpkins are taking over!

We went out of town for a long weekend and came back to incredible growth in the garden.  It amazes me that this started out as 4 little seeds that I didn’t think were going to germinate.

The squash and pumpkin plants outgrew the trellis so I tied rope to the top board and staked the other end to the ground.   The vines are pretty much twining themselves along the rope.

I have tomato plants and carrots on the other side of the pumpkins and squash.

The tomato plants are over 5′ tall, even taking the extra height of the raised bed into consideration.  I guess the 50/50 compost soil blend and the compost tea is working!

I had basil and jalapeno plants there, too.  Talk about packing a raised bed full of plants.  Anyway, they weren’t getting enough light so I moved them to pots last night.  Hope they survive the move.

Aside from the plants growing a ton, I have a bunch of little pumpkins and squash.

I have no idea what this one is because the vines are so twisted together that it’s impossible to follow them back to their plant.  I sure can’t wait to make all sorts of yummy things with them!


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